After three days stuck in the house last week, I’m so happy
to go back to school! Of course, there is always a part of me that enjoys the
snow days… mostly the overwhelming amount of sleep I can get, but the larger
part wishes to be back in the classroom, fighting through the whirlwind of
teacher friends, teenagers and math.
This semester is coming to a close and I have to say, it has
been one of my favorites. Every
once in a while you get that group of students you just love interacting with
each day… this is one of those semesters.
Any teacher can tell you, each class is different; some you easily
forget about once they’re gone, some are infamous for the stress and terror
they bring to your life, and others are wonderfully memorable. I can still picture every face from my
‘favorite class’; I had 25 kids and theirs were some of the most charming,
hilarious, brilliant and mature personalities I’ve ever taught. Now, I know you’re not supposed to have
favorites, but if we’re all honest with ourselves, favoritism just
Wednesday, the new semester will start and I’m looking
forward to meeting all of my new kiddos.
It’s an exciting day… one where most of them realize I’m not as mean as
I seem to be in Study Hall. My
classes are a little big this time; I have 29 in one class and 26 in the
other. Whew! That’s a lot of tests
and quizzes to grade. On the other
hand, my study hall only has 36 students and that sounds fantastic!
My big project for the semester is incorporating a few lessons
that I’ll ‘flip’. If you don’t
know what a flipped classroom is, check out this cute video. I think this might be something
that helps break up the monotony of the lessons, and help some of the students
find better ways to soak up the material. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.
For everyone else out there getting ready to start up a new
semester with new faces, good luck and have fun! Remember how wonderful those kids can be... and hilarious. Click HERE for a delightful video.
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and
the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And
the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Steve Jobs