Monday, June 1, 2015


Okay, it’s been a while since the last update (let’s be honest with each other… I’ve taken an extreme hiatus from writing) and there have been hundreds of changes over the last few months. 

The biggest change is actually the smallest… a little over fourteen pounds now. That’s right, I’m a mommy!  And while this absolutely the best thing to ever happen to me, no one can ever prepare you for the entire experience. 

Over the last twenty-eight years, I have had many different kinds of adventures.  I’ve had simple adventures like building blanket forts and playing in the leaves with my siblings.  I’ve had fancy adventures… walking the red carpet to my senior prom and drinking cocktails at my first opera.  I have gone on adventures with my sisters and brothers, with my husband and my friends.  Out of all of these experiences, nothing could prepare me for the biggest adventure…  and it started with a ten-pound, five-ounce bundle handed to me in the early hours on a Monday morning. 

Who knew life could change so suddenly? With no warning or fanfare… just simply Tim’s quiet voice, ‘it’s a boy’ and a small, strangled cry in the background.

...Life shifts…

Now my days are filled with strollers, car seats, burp rags, and pacifiers; my nights are broken up with 2 am feedings and diaper changes.  On one hand, I miss the ease of my ‘pre-mom’ life… leaving the house when I wanted, or having lunch when I got hungry.  On the other hand, I have this tiny human who smiles at me every morning and cuddles when he’s tired.  Even just the smallest coo can make me melt! 

Before this little guy made his way into the world, people warned me how little sleep I would get and how life would change completely.  Even though the first two weeks were pretty rough, I’ve determined I must be one of the lucky ones.  Perhaps it’s because he was a big baby or maybe it’s God’s way of giving me a rainbow after the storm that was my labor experience, but this baby sleeps anywhere from 6 to 9 hours at night.  And on the nights he does wake up, I spend those forty minutes awake, staring at the most beautiful face... so it's impossible to be upset. 

At the end of the day, I might be exhausted and smell like spit-up, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  He is perfect and I love him more than I ever thought I could.