Wednesday, May 21, 2014

*making progress*

            After speaking with our tech department, I will be focusing my plan on using our Mimio boards (similar to a SMART board) and students’ cell phones.  These are the resources most readily available in my district and most teachers would have access to them.  I will be using the technology knowledge within my department (five math teachers) and we will come up with a presentation for our professional development day on the first day of school in August. 

            I’ve been able to meet with my administration and determine a day we will be able to present to the entire staff.  I have also met with a few individual teachers to talk about the benefits and uses of their Mimio boards (which they don’t use).  I still need to meet with my department and discuss the progress of our technology use in the school.  Our department makes use of the technology available to us and I know the five of us will brainstorm great ideas to promote tech-based teaching with other teachers.

            As for my second standard which focuses on contributing and encouraging effective teaching and renewal of the teaching profession, I have started by bringing up the moral a bit.  Over the last week, I have been leaving anonymous notes for teachers that have positive and encouraging messages.  I want to start by creating the positive atmosphere amongst the teachers and then move to a place where we can all rely on each other and encourage other staff members without falling into the same dramatic fights over and over again.  

Any ideas to help with encouraging my colleagues?



  1. Hi Kate,
    I am wondering if you have heard any random discussion about the "anonymous" notes yet. Do you think some of the teachers are not comfortable or confident in using technology? Are they exposed to little mini sessions to teach basic skills or "how tos"? What in the world are they fighting about?

    Regarding the same dramatic fights-you have a tough row to hoe on this one. Changing human nature is tricky. Regarding the saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"-put some salt on the horse's tongue. What will you use for your salt?

    I'm afraid I don't have any tangible ideas other than searches on the Internet. I just loved your little video of the birds on the telephone line from your previous blog post-the original game plan. I will be interested to read others' ideas on how to create the positive atmosphere.

    Best to you!

    1. Thanks Debra!
      The little dramas that happen are the result of many years of bickering between different departments and specific teachers. I have not heard any discussion regarding my notes, but I'm hopeful that I just haven't been around to hear them. ;)
      Our PD days aren't very informative in regards to basic technology and a lot of the time feels wasted when we are all such different levels in our technological skills. Some of us, tech-savy teachers don't need the remedial help, but at the same time, if we were to get appropriate training, other teachers would be completely lost. That's why I think it's important we help each other learn the basic tech skills (with the more proficient teaching the less) and we need that positive atmosphere to make it happen.
      Thanks for your reply!

    2. Hi Kate,
      I agree with your assessment of the training. Hopefully you will be leading and training very soon! How does your administrator or principal support and lead in the area of the department/teacher bickering? I am just curious, because I think a good leader or one in authority might be able to help with that. Maybe not. :)

  2. Hi Kate,
    You progress so far is admirable! I think that tech-based learning is going to engage and motivate the students within your classroom. The challenge you now face is gaining support from other teachers and administrators around you. Change is always scary. Many teachers are comfortable with the method(s) they have developed, so trying something new is never easy. I believe that if you can model and demonstrate effective usage of this technology, that more teachers will follow suit. As a mathematics teacher myself, I cannot wait to see the outcome of this goal. How are you going to use cell phones? Is this going to be a communication tool or an actual form of assessment? Do all of your students have cell phones? Many, but not all of my students carry cell phones. How would I overcome this challenge? Please keep me updated as I am very interested in possibly trying this out myself!

    1. Sara-
      This past semester, I set up a twitter account for my calculus class. They seemed very open to the idea and it has been wonderful to have the open communication when they aren't sitting in my classroom. Only one student didn't have a cell phone and with twitter, he was able to set up an account and check it using his computer rather than a smart phone.

      I want to try using the phones as an assessment tool but I would have to make sure every student had the use of one. I'll keep you posted as time goes on!
      Thanks for your reply!
