Wednesday, May 28, 2014

And the GAME continues...

   I’m starting to get a bit frustrated with my first goal in my GAME plan.  I had set up a date to share a few technology tidbits with my colleagues but recently I was told it would have to wait until the fall.  I also am having trouble getting my department together to work on Mimio material and lesson plans.  I hope to remedy that this week (we have final exams) and the beginning of next in order to have a set plan for August. 
Because of the setbacks, I need to modify the timeline of the plan.  I had been hoping to share the information with other teachers at our final professional development day, but now it looks as if it will have to wait.  If anything, I’ve learned quite a bit of patience. J Nothing ever turns out the way we initially plan it, so I feel very silly having thought it would in the first place.  I also have several questions for the technology department at my school and would like to speak with our tech coordinator again.  I would like to know the allotted budget for technology ever year and maybe see some kind of overview of where the money has been spent over the last few years.  I think the high school has gone quite a long time without any updates and it would be interesting to see the break-down of the district-wide expenses.
On the other hand, my encouragement to other staff members seemed to go well.  I haven’t heard much discussion about it, but generally the staff seems to be in a better mood.  I am thinking of planning a few dates in the summer.  Perhaps a cookout where the staff is invited, or dinner on the first day we go back to school in August? I’m not really sure, but I’m still brainstorming different ways.  I’ve also thought about setting up observations with teachers observing teachers, so we can give constructive criticism and actually have someone who works with the same kids, offer up pointers in our classrooms.  I don’t know if I’m sold on this idea.



  1. Hi Kate
    After reading your progress, I realize that I could really use you on my team at work. Your enthusiasm is alright with me. I think that your efforts are so worthy. You are reaching out on all angles trying to make for a better/stronger more tech savvy school enviornment.

    I love your idea of hosting a dinner gathering for the fall teachers. I also think it is a bold idea to conduct observations of your co-teachers and to offer them constructive criticism. Be careful on this part, because some teachers won't think the criticism is so constructive. That has happened to me after my principal asked me to sit in a teacher's room to assist her with unruly students. She didn't think it helpful at all, and she didn't appreciate the "constructive criticism." Needless-to-say, I didn't observe for too much longer.

    Great ideas.

    1. Vernell-
      As soon as I posted the thoughts about constructive criticism with observations, the thought of some teachers taking it wrong came to me. I completely agree with you... some teachers will not be open and objective with their critiques. Personally, I would love to have another teacher observe me, mostly because my principal never gives constructive criticism. He tells me I'm doing great and then moves on. As silly as it sounds, I feel cheated because he's doing nothing to help me become a better teacher.

      I'll let you know how the party goes! I sent out a general invite to see how many would be interested and which day worked best. :)

  2. Hi Kate!
    I agree with Vernell on your enthusiasm. The world of education needs more people like you. As far as working with others to do your part of the plan where teachers observe others, I would suggest you start small and with a group of your closest colleagues that are open to having visitors and hearing others' perspectives. I'm realizing in my plan to create PLCs that I need to lean on those around me that support my idea and branch out from there. Another idea would be to have teachers videotape themselves teaching and then post it to a video presentation site like Youtube, or use software like Camtasia or ezvid, and have others go on and make comments/suggestions. That way you have a recorded history of how to improve! Good luck and thanks for sharing!

    1. Toby-
      I didn't even think about doing a video!! We could post anonymously then and worry a little less about teachers taking it personally.
      :) Thanks for the idea!

  3. Hi Kate,

    Reflecting on the current progress of the GAME Plan is a great way to check for progress and make adjustments. You are not alone in this endeavor and your show some great enthusiasm with your plan. This is an opportunity to make some adjustments and look at this as a positive event. It can be difficult at times to discuss and talk to our peers, as everyone is getting ready for the end of the school year. This may be good for sharing your technology tidbits as you can have their attention at the beginning of a new school year during the institute or professional days before students arrive. Teachers will then have some new tools they can use in their classrooms. They may forget what was presented over the summer if you presented prior. We must continue to reflect and adjust throughout the entire plan.


    1. Tim-
      How true! I know I'll be ready to leave everything behind on Wednesday! :) I have a strict, no-school-of-any-kind rule for the first week of summer vacation! Then it's back to lesson planning and gearing up for the next year. Since we were pushed back anyway, it looks like I'm right on track to present to my colleagues right before the next school year starts. Hopefully, all of the teachers will be open to new ideas for their classrooms.
      Thanks for your reply!

  4. Hi Kate, Your steadfastness in getting things going at your school is to be commended. Your idea of getting together with your peers for constructive criticism might not be something that all are interested in doing. At my school we call it teachers helping teachers or collegiality. Sometimes the word criticism does not bode well with people and just changing it up my elicit more enthusiasm. With the semester winding to an end makes it very difficult for. Your meeting with the technology coordinator at your school I hope will provide you with the information that you need. Speaking from experience I went directly to our Assistant Principal who is over technology and wanted to know whether some of the monies we received for being an A school was going to be used next school year for some much needed upgrade of laptops and I was told that the Reading classes would be receive "new" laptops this year. Sometimes you have to speak directly with the people who knows where the funds are going.
