Wednesday, May 14, 2014

you've gotta have a GAME plan

Well folks, here we are again… another class with Walden so my blog is switching gears a bit and re-focusing on fun educational stuff! :) 

This week were asked to set up a “GAME” plan to strengthen our knowledge and proficiency using the National Education Standards for Teachers.  Now I will be the first to say that there are a LOT of standards and sometimes the less-important ones get overlooked when teachers try to cram as much into a semester as possible (I have block scheduling so I have semester courses rather than full-year ones).  That being said, the ISTE Standards (formerly NETS) are the kind of standards that can be met through many different avenues.  If anything, these are the standards I like the best because they focus on student learning and creativity.  The one standard I would really like to focus on is #5: Engage in professional growth and leadership.  The two specific standards would be 5b: “Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others” and 5d. “Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community.”

My GOAL is to set up a learning community within my building (specifically my department) and use that team to create a positive example for the rest of my school.  The teachers I work with will often times struggle to get along which leads to a self-distructing team of teachers.  My goal is to create a positive atmosphere within my school to promote teamwork and camaraderie.  I also want to help some of the teachers (very set in their ways) become more tech-savvy.

My ACTION will be to meet with my department and brainstorm ideas to take to our principal. These ideas could be ones that will affect the school or the entire district.  We can come up with ideas to present at our professional development days and coordinate with our tech department to have tutoring sessions for teachers who need help with the latest pieces of technology.

MONITORING my process will come in the form of journaling.  I think this will be the best way to keep track of our successes and failures when it comes to building morale and helping teachers incorporate more technology in their lessons.

Researching different ideas to use in my own classroom and then pass those on to other teachers will be my way of EVALUATING and EXTENDING my learning.  I will study different cases and focus my efforts on creating a positive impact in my school first, followed closely by my district.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education
standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


  1. Kate,
    I love your embedded links! I asked you a couple classes ago how to do this, and I still haven’t tried. Shame on me, but seeing the cute applicable videos made me want to do it! Your attitude toward your Negative Ned and Nancy staff is apropos. We just gotta laugh! I think having a light hearted laughing spirit will draw more flies that ole’ sour vinegar. I suggest showing your “For the Birds” clip!

    I admire the fact that you want to lead your co-workers and teach them awesome new things that will ultimately help the students. I want to do that someday as well because I love to teach and lead! I love to share great new ideas that I have seen work. I am just not there yet. Seeing your attitude in the situation gives me confidence to keep it in the back of my mind for the future.

    Your action plan also sounds fantastic. Your school is very blessed to have someone dedicated to promoting student learning through the use of technology. I think many of us are just a little scared (or maybe disinterested, burned out, or lazy-yikes) to step out and try new things. We have to be ok with not always appearing like we know everything and do everything well all the time. My students appreciate when I am honest and ask for their expertise.

    I thought of you when I skimmed through this article by Harris (2003). She cites Frost & Durrant (2003) who say that rather than describing teacher leaders as ones who simply delegate tasks, “ is a matter of teachers’ agency [to act] and their choice in initiating and sustaining change (p. 321). In the same article, Leithwood (1999) says that teacher leadership involves “the exercise of influence over beliefs, actions, and values of others” (p. 321). Check out the article here:,%20fantasy%20or%20possibility.pdf

    You go, girl.

    Debra Davis


    Harris, A. (2003). Teacher leadership as distributed leadership: heresy, fantasy, or possibility? School Leadership & Management, 23(3), 313-324. Retrieved from,%20fantasy%20or%20possibility.pdf

  2. Baby steps Debra! :) It's okay you haven't tried the links yet... one small bit at a time. Thanks for the article and all the great feedback about my plan. I definitely want to get the rest of my colleagues onboard with technology so I'll keep pushing!
    Thanks for your reply!

  3. Kate It is fortunate for your school that you are present there. You are a great asset to them and I hope that you are able to bridge the gap in your staff. We are currently being evaluated on collegiality in my district. My Department has always worked well with each other and as a Reading Department we have to interact with other Departments and provide them with the support. When colleagues are able to work well with each other it provides a better environment for us to really serve our students. Your Game plan is encouraging and you are on the right track to implementing them. I use journals in my reading class and I found it to be quite instrumental in how I plan my lessons. My students usually are very shy about sharing their thoughts or enter into discussion and they are are able to write about this and sometime share some major information. Something that I introduced was Audacity where students can make a voice thread so they can share without feeling too self conscious. Since my students have to do fluency testing this also helps them to prepare and practice reading. Your Game plan appears well thought out and I am rooting for your Department to recognize the error of their ways and conform to working together for the success of your students.
